what the heck is “Heave Ho!”?


For hundreds of years, sailors on wood-splintered ships would hoist their three-ton anchors so they could leave the safety of a harbor & set sail. The crew would each grab a section of the rope connected to that massive slab of metal & work together to pull it off the ocean floor. A two-word cadence directed them, aligning their efforts & inspiring them with the power of unison – a heave ho! cry to accomplish that which they couldn’t do alone. This is the heart of Heave Ho! Creative. We are faithfully bound by our crew’s dedication to leading our clients across creative & marketing seas.

We pull together in the same direction at the same time because we know it’s the best way to win. Heck, we can’t even get out of the harbor until we pull anchor. So let’s go over the two main ways we can help you get your projects and/or people in the best possible spot to be successful.

1. Pull together in the same direction.

Ever feel like your company or organization is playing a game of Tug-O-War… with each other? That can feel ultra frustrating & is clearly counter-productive. Many times, we have the same goal to win in mind, however, we disagree on how to get there – on how to win. We are at our most efficient & effective when we pull in the same direction, so little to no effort is lost.

One of the best ways to ensure this is to stay in our lane. Sometimes that means pulling from a position of talent and/or fulfillment – other times it’s simply a matter of need. Being a part of something bigger than ourselves requires sacrifice. While it may not be sustainable for the long haul, there will always be opportunities where we get to jump in & pull where we are less comfortable. We need to mind our spacing. When we’re all fighting to grab the same section of rope, no one can get a firm grip & we lose leverage. We are literally stepping on toes! Agreeing to roles & positions on the front end, can help ensure we are set up to succeed.

2. Pull together at the same time.

We also need to pull at the same time. Beyond the jarring process of yanking on a rope out of synch, we create slack with not enough hands on deck. This can be a disaster. Crew members feel like they are left alone with the weight of a campaign, presentation or product launch. Deadlines & deliverables slip through their rope-burned fingers. Finger pointing abounds & the anchor sinks back to the bottom. When we follow a cadence from a caller (a leader) we all trust, winning will happen. When we heave ho! together, the anchor slides up – we have the right kind of, and amount of, tension to keep it from plummeting back down. Experts in the particular field you are looking to win in, will guide you well & should serve as your caller.

One of the best parts about pulling together at the same time is that feeling of unison. Your team may have members who are having a bad day or be struggling in a season personally (which of course affects work to some degree). If one slips or looses their grip, the team is in a position to hold the line. You’re able to reset & pull again. Your team & subsequent output is stronger – you are more efficient & effective. It becomes less about identifying your weak link & more about tapping into the power of team. It’s radical & it’s fun. Winning together is more fun than going alone… & losing (ahem, learning) together is more productive & can soften the blow. Yah, pulling at the same time may get you there more quickly, but the benefits your organization will reap from a journey-tested team will yield dividends far greater than you could imagine.

We can help you focus your efforts & identify gaps. It’s our pleasure to set teams up for greater success. Here at Heave Ho! Creative, we provide that extra oomph to push the boundaries of design & thinking by pulling together. With over 50 collective years in creative & marketing services, we still love doing what we get to do. We believe great strategy, design, processes & subsequent execution can move people from merely seeing what a brand/company offers to something special. It pulls them through to feeling & believing how a product or service can solve a problem & change their life for the better. We are the bringers of ‘wow’ & are grateful to be at your service.


we can help you win

Fill out the form & let’s pull anchor today.


help your website win (& grilled cheese recipe)